Recently, I am watching a new TV series "The Crown" on Netflix. The last TV series I have watched is "13 Reasons why", and you may tell how long I haven't followed a TV series. After 13, It's difficult for me to find one to follow since both its male & female character are so attractive and the story just perfectly suits my taste. When my boyfriend told me there is a monthly free trial on Netflix, I thought I could see The Good Doctor starring Freddy Heimer (the child star at August Rush) on it. Disappointedly, after signing up a new account, I found it was not on Netflix. However, I found The Crown. I watched its trailer on Facebook before, which seemed nice and interesting. Hence, I picked it as the first TV series to watch on Netflix, and it has turned out to be more amazing than I thought. 

The Crown is the story of the British royal family. More precisely, it tells how the monarchy in the United Kingdom survives during the time many nations over the world have abolished the monarchy. Born in the royal family sounds like living in a fairy tale, and civilians view these royal members as a holy, dignified, and close-to-God race. That is why they are willing to pay tax to support the system. While at the same time, these royal members are just human beings as everyone else, and they must hide the reality only to maintain the dignified image in front of the public, to keep the magic. 


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